Tuesday 8 December 2020

Kiwi christmas!


It was easy to work with my group and know what to do.
 It was hard to figure out what to put as our slides. 
 It was challenging to to help the people that got added to our group.
 Next time I could make sure our whole group did something.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

The four girls.

This year in cybersmart we have learn A LOT of things from Amy and our Kaiako.
Today in cybersmart we were learning about the teaser activity. 
 Some of my favourite things that i've done today in cybersmart are colouring in the pictures to post on our blog,posting on our blogs and getting to work with my group.
 I learnt how to be creative and all about the summer activity. 
 I enjoyed Koka amy being here today and giving us a simple task to get done.
 It was easy to know what to do and how to do it properly.
 I found it challenging to try make my picture different to the actual picture. Next time i'll make my work different and instead of doing the same colours as the actual thing.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Fireworks poem!

We were learning about acrostic poems and what fire works are made out of.What we were heard smelly and saw fireworks then we had to make a poem about either Fireworks,bonfires,sparkles.
 I found it easy to be focused stay on task made sure I did everything correct.
 I found it hard to think of words to go with my poem. 
 I should reflex better like do my stems level 3 stems so they are nice simple and quality.

Friday 6 November 2020

Colours in maori!

 Were were learning about the fabulous colours in Te Reo Maori.I learnt all the colours in maori.When you learn maori things your basically learning something new witch is AMAZING!

I found it interesting to learn create and share some Te Reo.When you click on the slide show you can see what i've learnt and maybe you can learn things with me too.

I found it easy to create the slides be on task.Make sure im doing the right thing.Make sure I got it detailed before publishing.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Post cards!!

 We were learning about how to make a quality postcard and a good postcard and what a postcard is.

I found it easy to do my photo make it creative and quality.

I found it hard to not get distracted from the people making noises out the classroom.

Next time I could make a postcard with heaps of detail and make it quality and explain more.

Wednesday 28 October 2020

How to make a post card.

 We were learning about how to make a good post card.

I found it hard to take the photo and put in the post card photo.

I found it easy to make the drop shadow and finishing it in time and giving it a go.

Nextime I will add more information in the post card so it makes my post card interesting.

Monday 19 October 2020

Recount Writing.with Jasmine!!

 Me and my writing buddy (jasmine) discovered these 10 things that make a good recount.

1.Use interesting words

2. Make sure your recount is in order.

3.Always use time connectives.

4.Make sure your answering who,what,when,why.

5.To make it interesting Include scenes such as see,hear,smell,touch,taste.   

6. Using adjectives, onomatopoeia and putcation.

7. Use 1,2,3 planning for your paragraphs.

8.Make sure paragraphs are not too long.

9.Recounts are in the past not present

10.End with feelings.

We were learning about what makes a good writing recount and listing things that make a

good recount as you can

see my blog post it tells you what you could add to make a good recount.

I found it easy to get on my google doc and get down the information and link it to the tracking sheet also found it easy to get in to the focus cause usually in really distracted in the mornings and don't get my work done but today got straight in to it.

I found it hard to get the 10 things down in time cause at first me and my buddy had only 6 .

One thing i'd like to learn next time is how you could put all these ten things in order.

Next time I could maybe do a video and post it and make sure there good things to make a really good recount.

I enjoyed this writing session because you worked with your writing buddy to create what makes a good recount.

I found it easy to remember all my knowledge and facts that make a good recount.

My for term 4 is get all tasks done and be resilient.