Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Fireworks poem!

We were learning about acrostic poems and what fire works are made out of.What we were heard smelly and saw fireworks then we had to make a poem about either Fireworks,bonfires,sparkles.
 I found it easy to be focused stay on task made sure I did everything correct.
 I found it hard to think of words to go with my poem. 
 I should reflex better like do my stems level 3 stems so they are nice simple and quality.

Friday, 6 November 2020

Colours in maori!

 Were were learning about the fabulous colours in Te Reo Maori.I learnt all the colours in maori.When you learn maori things your basically learning something new witch is AMAZING!

I found it interesting to learn create and share some Te Reo.When you click on the slide show you can see what i've learnt and maybe you can learn things with me too.

I found it easy to create the slides be on task.Make sure im doing the right thing.Make sure I got it detailed before publishing.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Post cards!!

 We were learning about how to make a quality postcard and a good postcard and what a postcard is.

I found it easy to do my photo make it creative and quality.

I found it hard to not get distracted from the people making noises out the classroom.

Next time I could make a postcard with heaps of detail and make it quality and explain more.